Course Detail()

SkillsFuture Credit, SSG Funding

8.00 CPE Hours (Others)

As this is a WSQ-accredited programme, ISCA is required to upload participant’s assessment results to SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) for the generation of electronic Statement of Attainment (SOA). ISCA will collect personal information from all participants to generate the relevant SOA.

  • For more information, please refer to SSG website HERE.

Programme Objective

We often negotiate with clients, colleagues, subordinates and even bosses, formally or informally. Negotiation is about making adjustments to timelines, priorities, resources and deliverables to help things run smoothly. For most of the part we do it well but there are times when we feel we could have done better. It is an art which many of us are not fully confident in doing.

This course equips you with the key negotiation skills which can significantly improve both the individual and business performance and ultimately meeting the needs of the participating parties.


Programme Outline

The following areas will be covered:

  1. Identify negotiation outcomes in commercial situations to establish organisation’s desired position in the negotiation. Some key factors that will be taken into considerations are:
    • What negotiation outcomes should we achieve?
    • What is the context of negotiation?
    • What is the objective of negotiation?
  2. Identify roles and responsibilities needed to support negotiation objectives. Team cohesion is important and once the negotiation outcome and process have been agreed upon, the roles must be clearly assigned for negotiation to work out smoothly. The roles and responsibilities may include planning, researching, participating in negotiation, recording and following-up on items agreed / discussed.
  3. Prepare relevant background information to understand other parties’ position as it provides the team with the necessary leverage in achieving the desired outcome. Background information may relate to issues to be resolved, information supporting contentions, information about the other parties, potential opposing contentions and any relevant precedents.
  4. Use negotiation processes and techniques to assist in achieving desired negotiation outcomes. Appropriate techniques are critical in achieving stated negotiation outcomes. This could include strategic questioning and listening, using positive language, suitable tone of voice and language, managing conflicts etc.
  5. Record negotiations for evaluation and documentation purposes. Pointers on essential areas to take note during the negotiation phase will be covered as these will/may be future point of reference for other negotiations.

Training Methodology

A highly interactive competency-based training with a combination of instructional methods of lectures, discussions and assessment.

Written assessment (open book)
(For those applying for WDA training grant, it's compulsory to complete all assessments)

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

The training is targeted at professionals who are keen to learn the skills and knowledge about negotiating at the workplace.

Schedule & Fees



As part of SSG’s on-going review of funding schemes, there will be a revision in funding subsidies for courses commencing from 1st Jan 2022 onwards.
These are the changes:

  • Company-Sponsored SME Enhanced (Singapore Citizens or PRs) - Funding revised from 90% to 70% subsidies.
  • Company-Sponsored Non-SME (Singapore Citizens or PRs) - Funding revised from 50% subsidies capped at $15/hr, to 50% subsidies with no cap.
  • Singapore Citizens (40 years old and above) - Funding revised from 90% to 70% subsidies.
  • Singapore Citizens (21-39 years old) and PRs - Funding revised from 50% subsidies capped at $15/hr, to 50% subsidies with no cap.

1] SSG Training Grant
Funding Period: Until 23 Oct 2023
Course Ref No.: TGS-2013500844

Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA) in Apply Basic Negotiation Skills and Techniques.
1a] Company-sponsored Employees
If you wish to enrol participants with SSG Funding, please proceed with the following step/s (For Corporate enrolments only) :

  • Step 1: Register for the course online via ISCA Portal. Upon adding to cart, the system will prompt a question “Do you wish to apply for SSG Funding?”, click Yes and input all required information. At the Cart page, please ensure that SSG funding is applied before clicking “Checkout”. 

Enterprises/employers are not required to log into TPGateway to submit training grant application. The employee’s enrolment, attendance and assessment records will be submitted by ISCA onto TPGateway. Thereafter, employers will be notified to log into Enterprise Portal for Jobs & Skills (EPJS) to declare necessary information for Absentee Payroll funding.

*Training Grant/Fees shown below are for courses commencing before 1st Jan 2022.


SME Enhanced
·Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident

·Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident

Mid Career
·Singapore Citizen
-40 years old and above

Workfare Skills Support (WSS)
·Singapore Citizen
-35 years old and above
-Monthly income of not more than $2,300

SSG Training Grant





Nett Fees Payable to ISCA (Inclusive of GST)





Company can claim the following Absentee Payroll

Absentee Payroll

80% of basic hourly salary, capped @ $7.50/hour

80% of basic hourly salary, capped @ $4.50/hour

80% of basic hourly salary, capped @ $4.50/hour

95% of basic hourly salary

*Training Grant/Fees shown below are for courses from 1st Jan 2022 onwards.


SME Enhanced
·Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident

·Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident

Mid Career
·Singapore Citizen
-40 years old and above

Workfare Skills Support (WSS)
·Singapore Citizen
-35 years old and above
-Monthly income of not more than $2,300

SSG Training Grant





Nett Fees Payable to ISCA (Inclusive of GST)





Company can claim the following Absentee Payroll

Absentee Payroll

Fixed rate at $4.50/hour

95% of basic hourly salary


Please note that there will be an administrative fee of $42.80 for any revision of invoice.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Company must be registered or incorporated in Singapore and;
  • Applicant is taking the course for the first time.
  • Applicant must be employed, and is either Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident of Singapore and;
  • Applicant must achieve at least 75% attendance, and pass all examinations /assessments and;
  • Applicant must be fully sponsored by the Company for all costs associated with the training and;
  • Payment has to be made via corporate means (e.g. corporate cheque, corporate GIRO, corporate credit card).

SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)
The SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) encourages employers to invest in enterprise transformation and capabilities of their employees. Eligible employers will receive a one-off S$10,000 credit to cover up to 90% of out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs for supportable initiatives, over and above the support levels of existing schemes.
Please click 
HERE for more information.

1b] Self-sponsored Individuals
If you wish to enrol with SSG Funding, please proceed with the following step:

  • Step 1: Register for the course online via ISCA Portal. Upon adding to cart, the system will prompt a question “Do you wish to apply for SSG Funding?”, click Yes and input all required information. At the Cart page, please ensure that SSG funding is applied before clicking “Checkout”.

ISCA will apply for Training Grant from SSG in respect of self-sponsored trainees.
*Training Grant/Fees shown below are for courses commencing before 1st Jan 2022.


·Singapore Citizen
·40 years old and above

·Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident

SSG Training Grant



Nett Fees Payable to ISCA (Inclusive of GST)



*Training Grant/Fees shown below are for courses from 1st Jan 2022 onwards.


·Singapore Citizen
·40 years old and above

·Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident

SSG Training Grant



Nett Fees Payable to ISCA (Inclusive of GST)



Please note that there will be an administrative fee of $42.80 for any revision of invoice.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant must either be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident of Singapore and;
  • Applicant must be at least 21 years old and;
  • Applicant must achieve at least 75% attendance, and pass all assessments and;
  • Applicant is taking the course for the first time.

Workfare Skills Support (WSS) Scheme
From 1 July 2020, the Workfare Skills Support (WSS) Scheme will replace the Workfare Training Support (WTS) Scheme. WSS encourages low wage workers to undertake training that leads to more impactful employment outcomes. Please click HERE for more information.


2] SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
Funding Period: Until 23 Oct 2023
Course Ref No.: TGS-2013500844

All Singaporeans aged 25 and above will receive an opening credit of S$500 from the government. You may wish to use your SFC to pay for partial/full ISCA course fees. 

On 1 Oct 2020, the Government provided a one-off SkillsFuture Credit Top-up of $500 for all eligible Singaporeans aged 25 or above by 31 Dec 2020. Singaporeans aged 40 to 60 by 31 Dec 2020 will also receive an Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support) of $500 which can be used for courses under: (i) SGUnited Skills Programme, (ii) SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme – Company Training, and (iii) Career Transition Programmes. This additional SFC (Mid-Career Support) is NOT applicable for use on ISCA courses. (For more information on the SFC scheme, please visit

If you wish to enrol for the course with SFC Funding, please proceed with the following steps:

  • Step 1: You will need to ensure that you have sufficient SkillsFuture Credits in your SkillsFuture Credit account in order to make a successful claim. Please check your SFC account balance here.
  • Step 2: Register for the course online via ISCA Portal.
  • Step 3: Upon adding to cart, the system will prompt a question “Do you wish to apply for SkillsFuture Credit?”, click “Yes” and input all required information.
  • Step 4: At the Cart page, please ensure that SFC funding is applied before clicking “Checkout”.
  • Step 5:Upon receiving an email that the programme status is confirmed, please proceed to submit SFC claim on SkillsFuture Portal within 60 days before the course start date and obtain the necessary approval. Please submit SFC claim via SFC portal (

Failure to submit claim application and obtain necessary approval before the course start date will result in topping up of the SFC indicated for use. Please note that there will be an administrative fee of $42.80 for any revision of invoice.

Programme Facilitator(s)

As this is a WSQ-accredited programme, ISCA is required to upload participant’s assessment results to SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) for the generation of electronic Statement of Attainment (SOA). ISCA will collect personal information from all participants to generate the relevant SOA.

  • For more information, please refer to SSG website HERE.

Programme Objective

We often negotiate with clients, colleagues, subordinates and even bosses, formally or informally. Negotiation is about making adjustments to timelines, priorities, resources and deliverables to help things run smoothly. For most of the part we do it well but there are times when we feel we could have done better. It is an art which many of us are not fully confident in doing.

This course equips you with the key negotiation skills which can significantly improve both the individual and business performance and ultimately meeting the needs of the participating parties.


Programme Outline

The following areas will be covered:

  1. Identify negotiation outcomes in commercial situations to establish organisation’s desired position in the negotiation. Some key factors that will be taken into considerations are:
    • What negotiation outcomes should we achieve?
    • What is the context of negotiation?
    • What is the objective of negotiation?
  2. Identify roles and responsibilities needed to support negotiation objectives. Team cohesion is important and once the negotiation outcome and process have been agreed upon, the roles must be clearly assigned for negotiation to work out smoothly. The roles and responsibilities may include planning, researching, participating in negotiation, recording and following-up on items agreed / discussed.
  3. Prepare relevant background information to understand other parties’ position as it provides the team with the necessary leverage in achieving the desired outcome. Background information may relate to issues to be resolved, information supporting contentions, information about the other parties, potential opposing contentions and any relevant precedents.
  4. Use negotiation processes and techniques to assist in achieving desired negotiation outcomes. Appropriate techniques are critical in achieving stated negotiation outcomes. This could include strategic questioning and listening, using positive language, suitable tone of voice and language, managing conflicts etc.
  5. Record negotiations for evaluation and documentation purposes. Pointers on essential areas to take note during the negotiation phase will be covered as these will/may be future point of reference for other negotiations.

Training Methodology

A highly interactive competency-based training with a combination of instructional methods of lectures, discussions and assessment.

Written assessment (open book)
(For those applying for WDA training grant, it's compulsory to complete all assessments)

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

The training is targeted at professionals who are keen to learn the skills and knowledge about negotiating at the workplace.

Programme Facilitator(s)

No course instances or course instance sessions available.