Programme ObjectiveThis is a 1-day workshop that will focus on helping participants understand some of the key programmes and forms in the recently issued ISCA Audit Manual for Group Entities (AMGE) that require the attention and decision of senior group audit engagement team members and how to effectively make use of the manual to help in consistent implementation of the standard requirements in group audits. (Note: AMGE is an illustrative guidance to assist auditing professionals in carrying out group audits. The Manual is not to be used as a substitute for reading SSA 600 Special Considerations — Audits of Group Financial Statements (Including the Work of Component Auditors), but rather as a supplemental tool to help in consistent implementation of the standard requirements in group audits.)
Illustrative examples will be used to illustrate practical application of the AMGE on the following :Evaluation and acceptance of a new client;Group audit strategy and planning considerations;Evaluating significant components, appropriate audit work for the various components and component materiality;Communicating with component auditors;Review of consolidation consideration;Review of group financial statements and evaluating group audit opinion;Audit completion and meeting with management and those charged with governance; andEvaluating client acceptance and determining audit strategy for the next year.We will also discuss some practical challenges that the reviewers of AMGE may encounter and how to address those challenges. ISCA Audit Manual for Group Entities (AMGE)is available for download for all ISCA Members on a complimentary basis. Participants are to bring their own copy of the AMGE for the workshop and perform their documentation on their own copy of AMGE. The AMGE, in parts or in full, will NOT be distributed to the participants during the workshop. ISCA members may wish to download a copy of the AMGE via this link hereand/or bring a physical copy of the manual.Alternatively, you may want to bring your laptops to the workshop and work on the electronic copies instead.Training MethodologyLecture style, with case studies Closing Date for Registration1 week before programme or until full enrolment
ISCA Audit Manual for Group Entities (AMGE)is available for download for all ISCA Members on a complimentary basis. Participants are to bring their own copy of the AMGE for the workshop and perform their documentation on their own copy of AMGE. The AMGE, in parts or in full, will NOT be distributed to the participants during the workshop. ISCA members may wish to download a copy of the AMGE via this link hereand/or bring a physical copy of the manual.Alternatively, you may want to bring your laptops to the workshop and work on the electronic copies instead.Training MethodologyLecture style, with case studies Closing Date for Registration1 week before programme or until full enrolment
An Intermediate to Advanced level workshop intended for audit managers and partners (Reviewers of AMGE).
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