Programme Objective
To examine the ethical and legal duties of employees, contractors and external parties in relation to the protection of company secrets and databases
Programme Outline
Threats to secrets and database – internal sources (employees and contractors) and external sources (hackers, industrial espionage agents, business rivals)
Ethical duties of employees – honesty, fidelity, fair value for pay, integrity, avoiding conflicts of interests
Ensuring ethical conduct of employees – selection, induction, training, education, reinforcement, publicity of responses to unethical conduct
Dealing with employee’s ethical breaches – employee handbook, codes of conduct, shaming, blacklisting
Fiduciary duties of directors and officers – to act in employer’s interests, not to use company assets, monies or business opportunities for own benefit, to reveal wrongdoings of other employees, full and frank disclosure, section 157 of the Companies Act
Prevention of Corruption Act – benefits, corrupt intent, famous local cases (Peter Lim, Ng Boon Gay and Teh Tsun Hang), punishment, extra-territorial effect
Response to external threats – criminal law (conspiracy, abetment, computer crime laws), intellectual property laws, Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act
Civil remedies to external threats – torts of trespass, breach of confidence, conspiracy, foreign threats, use of Mareva injunctions and Anton Piller orders
Contractual protection of secrets – cybersecurity policies, restraint of trade clauses (scope covering georgraphical extent, prohibited activities, length of restraint) – trade secrets (classification and protection) – customer relationship – public policy - incentive payments
Please take note of the following admission requirements:
- Trainings will be conducted on Zoom platform, thus video camera and microphone are compulsory
- Mandatory for video camera to be turned on throughout the course
- Display your official name (as per NRIC) in Zoom, to facilitate attendance taking
Training Methodology
Lecture style, with case studies
Closing Date for Registration
1 week before programme or until full enrolment
Intended For
A Foundation to Intermediate level programme intended for both practicing and non-practising accountants. Professionals who would like to understand more about the ethical and legal duties of employees, contractors and external parties in relation to the protection of company secrets and databases are welcome to attend.
Competency Mapping
Category 2 = 7.00 Hours
Schedule & Fees
Date & Time
10 Apr 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Fee (inclusive of GST)
SGD pricing -
For Members:
$ 318.28
For Non-Members:
$ 382.59
Programme Facilitator(s)
Terence Tan
Online Classroom in or outside of
Date & Time
07 Aug 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Fee (inclusive of GST)
SGD pricing -
For Members:
$ 318.28
For Non-Members:
$ 382.59
Programme Facilitator(s)
Terence Tan
Online Classroom in or outside of
1] UTAP Funding
1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme) is an individual skills upgrading account for NTUC members.
To find out more on the UTAP funding and support validity period please click here.
Should you have queries on the funding scheme, you can email to or call NTUC Membership Hotline at 6213-8008
1] CCF Training Grant
Charities Capability Fund (CCF) Training Grant provides co-funding for local training courses to help charities comply with regulatory requirements and build good governance standards.
Period of CCF pre-approval: 15 August 2024 to 13 August 2025
Eligibility Criteria
CCF funding is for eligible charities' staff (who have served in the Charities for at least 6 months with an official designation).
CCF Grants Coverage & Quantum
| Funding Quantum | Nett Course Fees Payable (incl. GST) |
Singaporeans/ PRs
| Member: $233.60 Non-Member: $280.80 (80% of course fee) | Member: $63.66 Non-Member: $76.52 |
Employment Pass/ Work Permit Holders / S Pass Holders | Member: $174.60 Non-Member: $210.60 (60% of course fee) | Member: $127.31 Non-Member: $153.04 |
For Pre-approved Courses: Participants will pay the training provider the net course fees (after CCF funding). The training provider will claim the CCF approved funding directly from the CCF Secretariat.
- CCF applications are subject to NCSS approval and only Board members/ staff in key governance and management areas with approved CCF applications are eligible for CCF funding.
- The Applicant with approved CCF application (or “CCF-eligible participant”) pays the amount of course fees less CCF funding to ISCA. Payment can be made by corporate/individual means.
- The Applicant has to create an ISCA Corporate Account here if they do not have an existing corporate account.
During the Course:
- CCF-eligible participant to achieve minimum 75% attendance, and pass all assessments, if any.
- All CCF-eligible participants are to complete a CCF Training Evaluation Form at the end of the course.
- For course conducted online, CCF-eligible participants are to switch on their video function and display their full name.
- All CCF-eligible participants must prepare their mobile phone with their Singpass app to scan their attendance twice a day.
Programme Facilitator(s)
Terence Tan
An Advocate and Solicitor for over 20 years, Terence has provided legal training and education for many professional organizations, overseas universities and MNCs.
Terence was named in Parliament for his comments on the revamped Bankrupt Act and these comments were expressly mentioned by the Court of Appeal.
Terence was formerly Asst Professor in the Law Faculty, National University of Singapore where he taught Insolvency Law, Company Law and Computer Law.
He is recognized by the Council for Estate Agents (CEA) on a wide variety of issues and topics such as Landlord-Tenant Disputes and Family Property Disputes.
Programme Objective
To examine the ethical and legal duties of employees, contractors and external parties in relation to the protection of company secrets and databases
Programme Outline
Threats to secrets and database – internal sources (employees and contractors) and external sources (hackers, industrial espionage agents, business rivals)
Ethical duties of employees – honesty, fidelity, fair value for pay, integrity, avoiding conflicts of interests
Ensuring ethical conduct of employees – selection, induction, training, education, reinforcement, publicity of responses to unethical conduct
Dealing with employee’s ethical breaches – employee handbook, codes of conduct, shaming, blacklisting
Fiduciary duties of directors and officers – to act in employer’s interests, not to use company assets, monies or business opportunities for own benefit, to reveal wrongdoings of other employees, full and frank disclosure, section 157 of the Companies Act
Prevention of Corruption Act – benefits, corrupt intent, famous local cases (Peter Lim, Ng Boon Gay and Teh Tsun Hang), punishment, extra-territorial effect
Response to external threats – criminal law (conspiracy, abetment, computer crime laws), intellectual property laws, Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act
Civil remedies to external threats – torts of trespass, breach of confidence, conspiracy, foreign threats, use of Mareva injunctions and Anton Piller orders
Contractual protection of secrets – cybersecurity policies, restraint of trade clauses (scope covering georgraphical extent, prohibited activities, length of restraint) – trade secrets (classification and protection) – customer relationship – public policy - incentive payments
Please take note of the following admission requirements:
- Trainings will be conducted on Zoom platform, thus video camera and microphone are compulsory
- Mandatory for video camera to be turned on throughout the course
- Display your official name (as per NRIC) in Zoom, to facilitate attendance taking
Training Methodology
Lecture style, with case studies
Closing Date for Registration
1 week before programme or until full enrolment
Intended For
A Foundation to Intermediate level programme intended for both practicing and non-practising accountants. Professionals who would like to understand more about the ethical and legal duties of employees, contractors and external parties in relation to the protection of company secrets and databases are welcome to attend.
Competency Mapping
Category 2 = 7.00 Hours
Programme Facilitator(s)
Terence Tan
An Advocate and Solicitor for over 20 years, Terence has provided legal training and education for many professional organizations, overseas universities and MNCs.
Terence was named in Parliament for his comments on the revamped Bankrupt Act and these comments were expressly mentioned by the Court of Appeal.
Terence was formerly Asst Professor in the Law Faculty, National University of Singapore where he taught Insolvency Law, Company Law and Computer Law.
He is recognized by the Council for Estate Agents (CEA) on a wide variety of issues and topics such as Landlord-Tenant Disputes and Family Property Disputes.