This course is pre-approved for Charities Capability Fund (CCF) funding. Please refer to the Funding tab for more details on Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures.
Programme Objective
Do you know that according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiner’s 2014 Report to the Nations, employees committed 42% of occupational frauds but only caused a median loss of USD 75,000? Managers ranked in the middle, committing 36% of frauds with a median loss of USD 130,000. Conversely, owners/executives only accounted for 19% of all cases, but they caused a median loss of USD 500,000. The higher the perpetrator’s level of authority, the greater fraud losses tend to be!
Given that fraud occurs at all level, with fraud losses increasing in tandem with the perpetrator level, this programme examines the key ethical dilemma commonly faced by each level of personnel in your organisation. It sharpens participants’ ability to identify red-flags of unethical practices and to implement preventive and detective anti-fraud controls. The programme guides participants to drive entity-wide initiatives to manage fraud and to understand practical challenges in their efforts.
Programme Outline
Key Ethical Dilemmas
- Discuss local and international fraud cases
- Examine trends in ethical dilemmas
- Analyse challenges faced by personnel
Red-Flags in Daily Operations
- Learn to identify red-flags in:
- Employee behaviours
- Management behaviours
- Cash and Accounts Receivable
- Payroll
- Purchasing and Inventory
Anti-Fraud Controls
- Implement anti-fraud controls to prevent and detect:
- Skimming Schemes
- Cash Larceny
- Billing Schemes
- Cash Register Disbursement Schemes
- Cheque Tampering Schemes
- Expense Reimbursement Schemes
- Payroll Schemes
Organisation-Wide Efforts to Fight Fraud
- Define the role of top management in driving organisational ethics
- Understand challenges in implementing organisation-wide initiatives
Please take note of the following admission requirements:
- Trainings will be conducted on Zoom platform, thus video camera and microphone are compulsory
- Mandatory for video camera to be turned on throughout the course
- Display your official name (as per NRIC) in Zoom, to facilitate attendance taking
Training Methodology
Highly interactive and dynamic workshop-style discussions that engage participants through group sharing, focused activities, and case study based simulations.
Closing Date for Registration
1 week before programme or until full enrolment
Intended For
This Intermediate Level Programme is intended for professionals especially in the fields of Procurement, Inventory Management, Internal Audit, Finance and Accounting and Human Resources who are involved in the activities in preventing and detecting fraud Decision makers including C-suite, Directors and other Senior Management personnel who are responsible to drive anti-fraud policy and initiatives are welcome to attend.
Competency Mapping
Category 2 = 7.00 Hours
Schedule & Fees
Date & Time
26 Jul 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Fee (inclusive of GST)
SGD pricing -
For Members:
$ 318.28
For Non-Members:
$ 382.59
Programme Facilitator(s)
Melissa Aw Yong
Online Classroom in or outside of
1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme) is an individual skills upgrading account for NTUC members.
To find out more on the UTAP funding and support validity period please click here.
Should you have queries on the funding scheme, you can email to or call NTUC Membership Hotline at 6213-8008
2] CCF Training Grant
Charities Capability Fund (CCF) Training Grant provides co-funding for local training courses to help charities comply with regulatory requirements and build good governance standards.
Period of CCF pre-approval: 15 August 2024 to 13 August 2025
Eligibility Criteria
CCF funding is for eligible charities' staff (who have served in the Charities for at least 6 months with an official designation).
CCF Grants Coverage & Quantum
| Funding Quantum | Nett Course Fees Payable (incl. GST) |
Singaporeans/ PRs
| Member: $233.60 Non-Member: $280.80 (80% of course fee) | Member: $63.66 Non-Member: $76.52 |
Employment Pass/ Work Permit Holders / S Pass Holders | Member: $174.60 Non-Member: $210.60 (60% of course fee) | Member: $127.31 Non-Member: $153.04 |
For Pre-approved Courses: Participants will pay the training provider the net course fees (after CCF funding). The training provider will claim the CCF approved funding directly from the CCF Secretariat.
- CCF applications are subject to NCSS approval and only Board members/ staff in key governance and management areas with approved CCF applications are eligible for CCF funding.
- The Applicant with approved CCF application (or “CCF-eligible participant”) pays the amount of course fees less CCF funding to ISCA. Payment can be made by corporate/individual means.
- The Applicant has to create an ISCA Corporate Account here if they do not have an existing corporate account.
During the Course:
- CCF-eligible participant to achieve minimum 75% attendance, and pass all assessments, if any.
- All CCF-eligible participants are to complete a CCF Training Evaluation Form at the end of the course.
- For course conducted online, CCF-eligible participants are to switch on their video function and display their full name.
- All CCF-eligible participants must prepare their mobile phone with their Singpass app to scan their attendance twice a day.
Programme Facilitator(s)
Melissa Aw Yong
Melissa Aw Yong is a Chartered Accountant of Singapore. She gained valuable work experience in internal audit, risk management, compliance and fraud investigations with professional firms, multi-national corporations and government linked companies.
Melissa served on the Board of Governors of the Institute of Internal Auditors of Singapore and Board of the Singapore Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, where she was the President for 3 years.
Melissa obtained her Bachelor of Accountancy from Nanyang Technological University. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE), Certified Internal Auditor (IIA), and received a Certification in Control Self-Assessment (IIA).
Currently, she heads a Regional Risk & Audit Department in an MNC. She is also a certified Coach, helping executives and leaders to be the best version of themselves.
This course is pre-approved for Charities Capability Fund (CCF) funding. Please refer to the Funding tab for more details on Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures.
Programme Objective
Do you know that according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiner’s 2014 Report to the Nations, employees committed 42% of occupational frauds but only caused a median loss of USD 75,000? Managers ranked in the middle, committing 36% of frauds with a median loss of USD 130,000. Conversely, owners/executives only accounted for 19% of all cases, but they caused a median loss of USD 500,000. The higher the perpetrator’s level of authority, the greater fraud losses tend to be!
Given that fraud occurs at all level, with fraud losses increasing in tandem with the perpetrator level, this programme examines the key ethical dilemma commonly faced by each level of personnel in your organisation. It sharpens participants’ ability to identify red-flags of unethical practices and to implement preventive and detective anti-fraud controls. The programme guides participants to drive entity-wide initiatives to manage fraud and to understand practical challenges in their efforts.
Programme Outline
Key Ethical Dilemmas
- Discuss local and international fraud cases
- Examine trends in ethical dilemmas
- Analyse challenges faced by personnel
Red-Flags in Daily Operations
- Learn to identify red-flags in:
- Employee behaviours
- Management behaviours
- Cash and Accounts Receivable
- Payroll
- Purchasing and Inventory
Anti-Fraud Controls
- Implement anti-fraud controls to prevent and detect:
- Skimming Schemes
- Cash Larceny
- Billing Schemes
- Cash Register Disbursement Schemes
- Cheque Tampering Schemes
- Expense Reimbursement Schemes
- Payroll Schemes
Organisation-Wide Efforts to Fight Fraud
- Define the role of top management in driving organisational ethics
- Understand challenges in implementing organisation-wide initiatives
Please take note of the following admission requirements:
- Trainings will be conducted on Zoom platform, thus video camera and microphone are compulsory
- Mandatory for video camera to be turned on throughout the course
- Display your official name (as per NRIC) in Zoom, to facilitate attendance taking
Training Methodology
Highly interactive and dynamic workshop-style discussions that engage participants through group sharing, focused activities, and case study based simulations.
Closing Date for Registration
1 week before programme or until full enrolment
Intended For
This Intermediate Level Programme is intended for professionals especially in the fields of Procurement, Inventory Management, Internal Audit, Finance and Accounting and Human Resources who are involved in the activities in preventing and detecting fraud Decision makers including C-suite, Directors and other Senior Management personnel who are responsible to drive anti-fraud policy and initiatives are welcome to attend.
Competency Mapping
Category 2 = 7.00 Hours
Programme Facilitator(s)
Melissa Aw Yong
Melissa Aw Yong is a Chartered Accountant of Singapore. She gained valuable work experience in internal audit, risk management, compliance and fraud investigations with professional firms, multi-national corporations and government linked companies.
Melissa served on the Board of Governors of the Institute of Internal Auditors of Singapore and Board of the Singapore Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, where she was the President for 3 years.
Melissa obtained her Bachelor of Accountancy from Nanyang Technological University. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE), Certified Internal Auditor (IIA), and received a Certification in Control Self-Assessment (IIA).
Currently, she heads a Regional Risk & Audit Department in an MNC. She is also a certified Coach, helping executives and leaders to be the best version of themselves.