Course Detail(E162v : Conflict of Interests and Related Parties – Why it Matters? (Live Webinar))

E162v : Conflict of Interests and Related Parties – Why it Matters? (Live Webinar)

7.00 CPE Hours (Category 2)
Live Webinar

This course is pre-approved for Charities Capability Fund (CCF) funding. Please refer to the Funding tab for more details on Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures.

Programme Objective

Black or white? Or is it a shade of grey? Perhaps, this is how we perceive Conflict of Interest (COI) situations at times, where it is thought-provoking to give a definite viewpoint of how potential COI should be dealt with. The challenge may be intensified by temptation for personal incentives in such COI situations. 

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Know the impact of Conflict of Interest (COI) on business in the areas of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance
  • Understand the various types of COI and appreciate the legal and ethical requirements in the management of COI and related parties
  • Evaluate the risks of COI in various possible scenarios in the Governance and Management of a business and how to mitigate the risks
  • Understand the various tools and methods available to prevent and detect cases relating to COI and related parties

This course will be beneficial to participants in building their capacity to identify and manage COI situations, especially in cases where they could lead to risk of fraud and corruption, evaluate the adequacy of their organization’s policy on declaration of COI and implement an action plan for the effective management of COI.

Practical examples based on real-life COI case studies and scenarios relating to the participants’ work and business environment will be given to enhance their understanding of the topics covered in the course.

Programme Outline

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC)
  • Laws, Policies, Standards and SOPs relating to COI
  • Types of COI and various possible COI scenarios
  • Audit Observations relating to COI
  • Tools and Methods to Prevent and Detect cases relating to COI

Outline for each of the 5 topics:
Topic 1: Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC)

  • Objectives and Scope of a GRC framework
  • Relationship among the domains in GRC
  • Examples of GRC frameworks 
  • Definition of Conflict of Interest (COI) and why COI matters from the GRC perspective
  • Lessons from Past Accounting Scandals and Business Failures due to COI

Topic 2: Laws, Policies, Standards and SOPs relating to COI and Related Parties

  • Section 156 of Companies Act
  • Chapter 9 of the SGX Listing Rules
  • Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) No 24
  • Code of Ethics relating to COI
  • Internal Guidelines and SOPs
  • Example of Policy on Declaration of COI
  • Risk of Fraud and Corruption due to COI
  • Causes of COI

Topic 3: Types of COI and various possible COI scenarios

  • Key Principles underlying Management of COI 
  • Types of COI 
  • Chapter 9 of the SGX Listing Rules
  • Examples of COI scenarios in Procurement and Contracts Administration
  • Examples of COI scenarios in Financial and IT Management

Topic 4: Audit Observations relating to COI

  • Report of the Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) 
  • Anatomy of Audit Observations 
  • Analysis of Past Audit Observations relating to COI and Related Parties

Topic 5: Tools and Methods to Prevent and Detect cases relating to COI and Related Parties

  • Current Industry Best Practices
  • New Technologies 
  • Application of Data Analytics
  • Designing Processes and Guidelines to Reduce Likelihood and Impact of COI



Please take note of the following admission requirements:

  • Trainings will be conducted on Zoom platform, thus video camera and microphone are compulsory
  • Mandatory for video camera to be turned on throughout the course
  • Display your official name (as per NRIC) in Zoom, to facilitate attendance taking

Training Methodology

  • Lecture-based presentation
  • Quiz
  • On-line Chat and Q&A
  • Group Discussion (Breakout Room) and Class Presentation

Closing Date for Registration
1 week before programme or until full enrolment.

Intended For

Accountants, Auditors, Directors, Finance Managers, Business Executives and officers involved in Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) activities

Competency Mapping

Category 2 = 7.00 Hours

Schedule & Fees

Date & Time

22 Aug 2024 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Limited Seats

Fee (inclusive of GST)

For Members: $ 318.28
For Non-Members: $ 371.69

Programme Facilitator(s)

Mr Abdul Hamid Abdullah


Online Classroom in or outside of



1] CCF Training Grant

Charities Capability Fund (CCF) Training Grant provides co-funding for local training courses to help charities comply with regulatory requirements and build good governance standards.

Period of CCF pre-approval: 20 July 2023  to 19 July 2024

Eligibility Criteria

CCF funding is for eligible charities' staff (who have served in the Charities for at least 6 months with an official designation).

CCF Grants Coverage & Quantum


Funding Quantum

Nett Course Fees Payable (incl. GST)

Singaporeans/ PRs


Member: $245.38

Non-Member: $294.62

(80% of course fee)

Member: $61.34

Non-Member: $73.66

Employment Pass/ Work Permit Holders / S Pass Holders

Member: $184.03

Non-Member: $220.97

(60% of course fee)

Member: $122.69

Non-Member: $147.31

For Pre-approved Courses: Participants will pay the training provider the net course fees (after CCF funding). The training provider will claim the CCF approved funding directly from the CCF Secretariat.


  • CCF applications are subject to NCSS approval and only Board members/ staff in key governance and management areas with approved CCF applications are eligible for CCF funding.
  • The Applicant with approved CCF application (or “CCF-eligible participant”) pays the amount of course fees less CCF funding to ISCA. Payment can be made by corporate/individual means.
  • The Applicant has to create an ISCA Corporate Account here if they do not have an existing corporate account.

During the Course:

  • CCF-eligible participant to achieve minimum 75% attendance, and pass all assessments, if any.
  • All CCF-eligible participants are to complete a CCF Training Evaluation Form at the end of the course.
  • For course conducted online, CCF-eligible participants are to switch on their video function and display their full name.

Programme Facilitator(s)

Mr Abdul Hamid Abdullah, CISA, FIIA Singapore, CA Singapore
Mr Abdul Hamid Abdullah is a former Audit Director in the Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) Singapore. He retired from AGO in 2017 after 38 years of auditing in the public sector. His audit experiences include financial audits, IT and Information Security audits, and operational audits. Since his retirement from public service, he has been freelancing as an independent trainer and an associate consultant in the area of Information Security, IT Governance, Information Risk Management and Information Security Assurance. Currently he is an Executive Advisor (Risk Management, Audit and Regulatory Technology), Straits Interactive Pte Ltd, an Associate Faculty in the Singapore Institute of Technology and a Trainer in the Institute of Internal Auditors Singapore.

This course is pre-approved for Charities Capability Fund (CCF) funding. Please refer to the Funding tab for more details on Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures.

Programme Objective

Black or white? Or is it a shade of grey? Perhaps, this is how we perceive Conflict of Interest (COI) situations at times, where it is thought-provoking to give a definite viewpoint of how potential COI should be dealt with. The challenge may be intensified by temptation for personal incentives in such COI situations. 

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Know the impact of Conflict of Interest (COI) on business in the areas of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance
  • Understand the various types of COI and appreciate the legal and ethical requirements in the management of COI and related parties
  • Evaluate the risks of COI in various possible scenarios in the Governance and Management of a business and how to mitigate the risks
  • Understand the various tools and methods available to prevent and detect cases relating to COI and related parties

This course will be beneficial to participants in building their capacity to identify and manage COI situations, especially in cases where they could lead to risk of fraud and corruption, evaluate the adequacy of their organization’s policy on declaration of COI and implement an action plan for the effective management of COI.

Practical examples based on real-life COI case studies and scenarios relating to the participants’ work and business environment will be given to enhance their understanding of the topics covered in the course.

Programme Outline

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC)
  • Laws, Policies, Standards and SOPs relating to COI
  • Types of COI and various possible COI scenarios
  • Audit Observations relating to COI
  • Tools and Methods to Prevent and Detect cases relating to COI

Outline for each of the 5 topics:
Topic 1: Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC)

  • Objectives and Scope of a GRC framework
  • Relationship among the domains in GRC
  • Examples of GRC frameworks 
  • Definition of Conflict of Interest (COI) and why COI matters from the GRC perspective
  • Lessons from Past Accounting Scandals and Business Failures due to COI

Topic 2: Laws, Policies, Standards and SOPs relating to COI and Related Parties

  • Section 156 of Companies Act
  • Chapter 9 of the SGX Listing Rules
  • Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) No 24
  • Code of Ethics relating to COI
  • Internal Guidelines and SOPs
  • Example of Policy on Declaration of COI
  • Risk of Fraud and Corruption due to COI
  • Causes of COI

Topic 3: Types of COI and various possible COI scenarios

  • Key Principles underlying Management of COI 
  • Types of COI 
  • Chapter 9 of the SGX Listing Rules
  • Examples of COI scenarios in Procurement and Contracts Administration
  • Examples of COI scenarios in Financial and IT Management

Topic 4: Audit Observations relating to COI

  • Report of the Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) 
  • Anatomy of Audit Observations 
  • Analysis of Past Audit Observations relating to COI and Related Parties

Topic 5: Tools and Methods to Prevent and Detect cases relating to COI and Related Parties

  • Current Industry Best Practices
  • New Technologies 
  • Application of Data Analytics
  • Designing Processes and Guidelines to Reduce Likelihood and Impact of COI



Please take note of the following admission requirements:

  • Trainings will be conducted on Zoom platform, thus video camera and microphone are compulsory
  • Mandatory for video camera to be turned on throughout the course
  • Display your official name (as per NRIC) in Zoom, to facilitate attendance taking

Training Methodology

  • Lecture-based presentation
  • Quiz
  • On-line Chat and Q&A
  • Group Discussion (Breakout Room) and Class Presentation

Closing Date for Registration
1 week before programme or until full enrolment.

Intended For

Accountants, Auditors, Directors, Finance Managers, Business Executives and officers involved in Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) activities

Competency Mapping

Category 2 = 7.00 Hours

Programme Facilitator(s)

Mr Abdul Hamid Abdullah, CISA, FIIA Singapore, CA Singapore
Mr Abdul Hamid Abdullah is a former Audit Director in the Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) Singapore. He retired from AGO in 2017 after 38 years of auditing in the public sector. His audit experiences include financial audits, IT and Information Security audits, and operational audits. Since his retirement from public service, he has been freelancing as an independent trainer and an associate consultant in the area of Information Security, IT Governance, Information Risk Management and Information Security Assurance. Currently he is an Executive Advisor (Risk Management, Audit and Regulatory Technology), Straits Interactive Pte Ltd, an Associate Faculty in the Singapore Institute of Technology and a Trainer in the Institute of Internal Auditors Singapore.

Upcoming Schedule

Limited Seats

Date & Time

22 Aug 2024 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Fee (inclusive of GST)

For Members: $ 318.28
For Non-Members: $ 371.69

Programme Facilitator(s)

Mr Abdul Hamid Abdullah


Online Classroom in or outside of