Course Detail()

UTAP Funding

16.00 CPE Hours (Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, Category 4Category 5, Others)

To reduce the environmental impact and contribute to sustainability efforts, ISCA will contribute our part by eliminating the printing of course materials for selected courses with effect from 2023.

Tips: To make your paperless learning experience more enjoyable, you may bring along a digital device such as a Windows based laptops or tablets to read your online materials during the class. QR code will be provided in the class for you to download the materials in PDF.

Join us and be a Difference Maker!



Participants of this course will be eligible to apply to implement RPA in the firm using funding from the RPA Adoption Support Scheme

By registering to this course, you agree to ISCA Privacy and Data Protection Policy at and that ISCA may collect, use and/or disclose your personal data for matters relating to the enrolment of the course in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. The Institute may from time to time use your personal data to inform you of related news, activities, benefits, goods, services, facilities and events. The Institute may also use your personal data for the conduct of statistical research and studies, and analyse the data collected to administer, develop and improve its services. For the purpose of event coverage, photography (and videography) will be in progress during the event. Please inform the photographers (or organiser) if you do not wish for your photographs to be taken. Further, you agree that ISCA may disclose your Personal Data to Singapore Polytechnic - Pace Academy for the purpose of processing your enrolment and course administration, which shall be subject to their policy -

Note: This course was previously known as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for Accountants and Finance Professionals.

Programme Objective

The accounting sector is commonly plagued by voluminous work, manual and repetitive processes. Accounting practices are also under pressure to cut overhead costs in these trying times. To address these concerns, RPA can be used.

The course will equip participants with the basics of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and how to evaluate internal processes for automation. The course will also equip participants to automate their own work processes using a RPA software.

Programme Outline

Notes to Participant:

1. Participants to bring their own laptop that is downloaded with the RPA  software emailed by ISCA, has Outlook application and Microsoft excel.
2. Laptops should have at least windows OS, i5, 8 gig RAM and have access to internet and browser.

Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:

A.    Explain the purposes of RPA 
B.    Create RPA scripts using used cases.
C.    Identify manual processes that can be automated within a specific group amount the accountancy sector.
D.    Troubleshoot issues within RPA scripts.

Course Content & Structure 



 No. of Hours


Day 1: 9am to 6pm

Introduction to RPA

0.5 hour



Develop RPA scripts to automate selected audit processes through the following case examples using a RPA software (6.5 hours):

  • Use Case study 1 – Data entry from excel to 'Accounting System'
  • Use Case study 2 – Preparation of Accounts Receivable Confirmation documents
  • Use Case study 3 – Sending of Emails


7.5 hours


Day 2: 9am to 6pm

  • Use Case study 4 - Data extraction from 'Accounting system' to excel
  • Use Case study 5 – Excel automation of Accounting Reports
  • Exception handling
  • Trouble shooting tips
  • Identifying and sharing processes to automate within our organisation
  • Q & A

Discussion on the potential adoption of RPA within our organization and work and it’s benefit ( 0.5 hour)

8 hours


 Total Hours


Training Methodology

Sharing and hands on exercises using RPA software on use cases.

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment 

Intended For

Audit, Tax, Corporate Secretarial & Accounting services professionals with basic excel knowledge.

Schedule & Fees


A great eye-opener on how UI-path can help companies automate manual processes easily.

Good course for finance personnel.

I am happy that I have signed up for this course. It is value for money.

The lecturers, Mr Ronnie, Ms Jacqueline and Ms Germaine, were very patient and helpful, and helped to resolve
all the on-site issues with a smile!

Past Participant

Definitely provided a good introduction to RPA, and how it works on a basic level. Definitely is applicable in
automating the daily process for work.

Past Participant

Very useful course with hands on practices to highlight the potential uses of RPA

Past Participant


1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)

NTUC members enjoy 50% *unfunded course fee support for up to $250 each year when you sign up for courses supported under UTAP. NTUC members aged 40 and above can enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per individual each year, capped at 50% of unfunded course fees, for courses attended between 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2025.

*Unfunded course fee refers to the balance course fee payable after applicable government subsidies. This excludes material fees, registration fees, misc. fees etc.

This course is approved for UTAP support for intakes conducted between 03 April 2024 – 31 March 2025.

As UTAP is given on calendar year basis, and calculated based on year of training taken, it cannot be accumulated.

  • Maintained paid-up NTUC membership before course, throughout course duration and at the point of claim and;
  • Course by training provider must be supported under UTAP and training must commence within the supported period and;
  • Unfunded course fee must not be fully sponsored by company or other types of funding
  • Unfunded course fee must be S$20.00 and above, and;
  • Member must achieve a minimum of 75% attendance for each application and sat for all prescribed examination(s), if any and;
  • UTAP application must be made within 6 months after course ends.

For more information on UTAP Funding and to submit for UTAP claims, please visit Terms and conditions apply.

Programme Facilitator(s)

To reduce the environmental impact and contribute to sustainability efforts, ISCA will contribute our part by eliminating the printing of course materials for selected courses with effect from 2023.

Tips: To make your paperless learning experience more enjoyable, you may bring along a digital device such as a Windows based laptops or tablets to read your online materials during the class. QR code will be provided in the class for you to download the materials in PDF.

Join us and be a Difference Maker!



Participants of this course will be eligible to apply to implement RPA in the firm using funding from the RPA Adoption Support Scheme

By registering to this course, you agree to ISCA Privacy and Data Protection Policy at and that ISCA may collect, use and/or disclose your personal data for matters relating to the enrolment of the course in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. The Institute may from time to time use your personal data to inform you of related news, activities, benefits, goods, services, facilities and events. The Institute may also use your personal data for the conduct of statistical research and studies, and analyse the data collected to administer, develop and improve its services. For the purpose of event coverage, photography (and videography) will be in progress during the event. Please inform the photographers (or organiser) if you do not wish for your photographs to be taken. Further, you agree that ISCA may disclose your Personal Data to Singapore Polytechnic - Pace Academy for the purpose of processing your enrolment and course administration, which shall be subject to their policy -

Note: This course was previously known as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for Accountants and Finance Professionals.

Programme Objective

The accounting sector is commonly plagued by voluminous work, manual and repetitive processes. Accounting practices are also under pressure to cut overhead costs in these trying times. To address these concerns, RPA can be used.

The course will equip participants with the basics of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and how to evaluate internal processes for automation. The course will also equip participants to automate their own work processes using a RPA software.

Programme Outline

Notes to Participant:

1. Participants to bring their own laptop that is downloaded with the RPA  software emailed by ISCA, has Outlook application and Microsoft excel.
2. Laptops should have at least windows OS, i5, 8 gig RAM and have access to internet and browser.

Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:

A.    Explain the purposes of RPA 
B.    Create RPA scripts using used cases.
C.    Identify manual processes that can be automated within a specific group amount the accountancy sector.
D.    Troubleshoot issues within RPA scripts.

Course Content & Structure 



 No. of Hours


Day 1: 9am to 6pm

Introduction to RPA

0.5 hour



Develop RPA scripts to automate selected audit processes through the following case examples using a RPA software (6.5 hours):

  • Use Case study 1 – Data entry from excel to 'Accounting System'
  • Use Case study 2 – Preparation of Accounts Receivable Confirmation documents
  • Use Case study 3 – Sending of Emails


7.5 hours


Day 2: 9am to 6pm

  • Use Case study 4 - Data extraction from 'Accounting system' to excel
  • Use Case study 5 – Excel automation of Accounting Reports
  • Exception handling
  • Trouble shooting tips
  • Identifying and sharing processes to automate within our organisation
  • Q & A

Discussion on the potential adoption of RPA within our organization and work and it’s benefit ( 0.5 hour)

8 hours


 Total Hours


Training Methodology

Sharing and hands on exercises using RPA software on use cases.

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment 

Intended For

Audit, Tax, Corporate Secretarial & Accounting services professionals with basic excel knowledge.

Programme Facilitator(s)

No course instances or course instance sessions available.