Course Detail(A298 : Preparation of financial statements – FRS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and FRS 7 Statement of Cash Flows (Classroom))

UTAP Funding

A298 : Preparation of financial statements – FRS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and FRS 7 Statement of Cash Flows (Classroom) NEW

3.50 CPE Hours (Category 1)

Programme Objective

The seminar provides guidance to help participants prepare financial statements.  The primary emphasis of this seminar is on FRS 1 and FRS 7

The seminar also examines the practical issues when preparing financial statements.

Programme Outline

FRS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
Fair presentation and compliance with FRSs
Going concern
Materiality, aggregation and offsetting
Comparative information
Consistency of preparation

Structure and contents of financial statements
Transaction with shareholders 
Disclosure of accounting policies
Capital disclosure

FRS 118 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements
Areas of significant change from FRS 1 vs FRS 118
Mapping of Statement of profit or loss

FRS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Non-cash transactions
Disclosure requirements
FRS 118 Impact

Discuss common errors noted in financial statements and includes examples of presentation and disclosure 

Training Methodology

Lecture style with practical illustrations and interactive discussion 

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

Professional Accountants who are involved in the preparation of financial statements

Competency Mapping

Category 1 = 3.50 Hours

Schedule & Fees

Date & Time

18 Feb 2025 (1:30 PM - 5:00 PM)

Registration is closed

Fee (inclusive of GST)

For Members: $ 221.27
For Non-Members: $ 263.78

Programme Facilitator(s)

Tay Guat Peng


60 Cecil Street
Singapore 049709



1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme) is an individual skills upgrading account for NTUC members.

To find out more on the UTAP funding and support validity period please click here.

Should you have queries on the funding scheme, you can email to or call NTUC Membership Hotline at 6213-8008

Programme Facilitator(s)

Ms Tay Guat Peng  

Guat Peng is a fellow member of ISCA and fellow member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Guat Peng has over 20 years of audit experience, having spent 9 years in a Big 4 accounting firm and 16 years in a mid-tier accounting firm. Guat Peng has also served as a member of ISCA’s Financial Statements Review Committee.

Guat Peng has extensive experience in the audit of companies listed on the 
Singapore Exchange, local and multinational companies in diverse industries. Guat Peng is also experienced in initial public offerings and reverse take-over on the Singapore Exchange, improvements in accounting and reporting systems


Programme Objective

The seminar provides guidance to help participants prepare financial statements.  The primary emphasis of this seminar is on FRS 1 and FRS 7

The seminar also examines the practical issues when preparing financial statements.

Programme Outline

FRS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
Fair presentation and compliance with FRSs
Going concern
Materiality, aggregation and offsetting
Comparative information
Consistency of preparation

Structure and contents of financial statements
Transaction with shareholders 
Disclosure of accounting policies
Capital disclosure

FRS 118 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements
Areas of significant change from FRS 1 vs FRS 118
Mapping of Statement of profit or loss

FRS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Non-cash transactions
Disclosure requirements
FRS 118 Impact

Discuss common errors noted in financial statements and includes examples of presentation and disclosure 

Training Methodology

Lecture style with practical illustrations and interactive discussion 

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

Professional Accountants who are involved in the preparation of financial statements

Competency Mapping

Category 1 = 3.50 Hours

Programme Facilitator(s)

Ms Tay Guat Peng  

Guat Peng is a fellow member of ISCA and fellow member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Guat Peng has over 20 years of audit experience, having spent 9 years in a Big 4 accounting firm and 16 years in a mid-tier accounting firm. Guat Peng has also served as a member of ISCA’s Financial Statements Review Committee.

Guat Peng has extensive experience in the audit of companies listed on the 
Singapore Exchange, local and multinational companies in diverse industries. Guat Peng is also experienced in initial public offerings and reverse take-over on the Singapore Exchange, improvements in accounting and reporting systems


Upcoming Schedule

Registration is closed

Date & Time

18 Feb 2025 (1:30 PM - 5:00 PM)

Fee (inclusive of GST)

SGD pricing -

For Members: $ 221.27
For Non-Members: $ 263.78

Programme Facilitator(s)

Tay Guat Peng


60 Cecil Street
Singapore 049709