Course Detail()

UTAP Funding

7.00 CPE Hours (Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, Category 4, Others)
Live Webinar

Programme Objective

The training objectives are for participants to:

  • Overcome your challenges with proven strategies that will move you forward;
  • Strengthen your emotional resilience;
  • Enhance your mental wellbeing;
  • Know your own default behaviourial patterns under pressure;
  • Change focus on weaknesses and negative traits to Strengths and Virtues;

Programme Outline

In this interactive and participation-driven workshop, the facilitator will share with you how you can thrive in adversity with G.R.I.T.™ and get to understand how the frameworks used are associated with contrived acronyms that help you easily recall them.

Manage your own internal world

  • Master the A.R.T. of emotional resilience
  • Control your thoughts – The 4 important questions
  • Optimise your brain health and enhance your cognitive executive functions

Manage your external environment

  • Take stock of your resources
  • Establish an i-Care programme for yourself – i-Care Wheel
  • Identify and understand your default behavioural pattern in stressful environments
  • Leverage your strengths and avoid traps due to your weakness
  • Build your tribe

Participants will take a pre-event questionnaire that will help them understand their default leadership behaviour pattern in stressful environments.


Training Methodology

This is a highly interactive workshop with activities and exercises for attendees as well as time for self-reflection.  Highly participative along with insightful content and engaging delivery, the facilitator will also share effective frameworks and proven strategies, including stories and anecdotes.


Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

Managers, Senior Managers, Leaders and Department Heads

Schedule & Fees



1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme) is an individual skills upgrading account for NTUC members.

NTUC members enjoy 50% *unfunded course fee support for up to $250 each year when you sign up for courses supported under UTAP. NTUC members aged 40 and above can enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per individual each year, capped at 50% of unfunded course fees, for courses attended between 01 April 2024 and 31 March 2025. *This excludes miscellaneous fees such as GST and registration fee etc.
This course is approved for UTAP support for intakes conducted between 01 April 2024 – 31 March 2025.
As UTAP is given on calendar year basis, and calculated based on year of training taken, it cannot be accumulated.

  • Maintained paid-up NTUC membership before course, throughout course duration and at the point of claim and;
  • Course by training provider must be supported under UTAP and training must commence within the supported period and;
  • Unfunded course fee must not be fully sponsored by company or other types of funding
  • Unfunded course fee must be S$20.00 and above, and;
  • Member must achieve a minimum of 75% attendance for each application and sat for all prescribed examination(s), if any and;
  • UTAP application must be made within 6 months after course ends.

To submit for UTAP claims, please visit Terms and conditions apply.
Should you have queries on the funding scheme, you can email to or call NTUC Membership Hotline at 6213-8008

Programme Facilitator(s)

Programme Objective

The training objectives are for participants to:

  • Overcome your challenges with proven strategies that will move you forward;
  • Strengthen your emotional resilience;
  • Enhance your mental wellbeing;
  • Know your own default behaviourial patterns under pressure;
  • Change focus on weaknesses and negative traits to Strengths and Virtues;

Programme Outline

In this interactive and participation-driven workshop, the facilitator will share with you how you can thrive in adversity with G.R.I.T.™ and get to understand how the frameworks used are associated with contrived acronyms that help you easily recall them.

Manage your own internal world

  • Master the A.R.T. of emotional resilience
  • Control your thoughts – The 4 important questions
  • Optimise your brain health and enhance your cognitive executive functions

Manage your external environment

  • Take stock of your resources
  • Establish an i-Care programme for yourself – i-Care Wheel
  • Identify and understand your default behavioural pattern in stressful environments
  • Leverage your strengths and avoid traps due to your weakness
  • Build your tribe

Participants will take a pre-event questionnaire that will help them understand their default leadership behaviour pattern in stressful environments.


Training Methodology

This is a highly interactive workshop with activities and exercises for attendees as well as time for self-reflection.  Highly participative along with insightful content and engaging delivery, the facilitator will also share effective frameworks and proven strategies, including stories and anecdotes.


Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

Managers, Senior Managers, Leaders and Department Heads

Programme Facilitator(s)

No course instances or course instance sessions available.