UTAP Funding
To reduce the environmental impact and contribute to sustainability efforts, ISCA will contribute our part by eliminating the printing of course materials for selected courses with effect from 2023. Tips: To make your paperless learning experience more enjoyable, you may bring along a digital device such as a Windows based laptops or tablets to read your online materials during the class. QR code will be provided in the class for you to download the materials in PDF. Join us and be a Difference Maker! This course was formerly known as MP117: Forensic Investigation and Fraud Detection TechniquesProgramme Objective Recent fraud case shows once again the vulnerability of the procurement process. Whistle blowing programmes will to some extend mitigate internal fraud but there is a need to strengthen the process by adopting effective fraud detection protocols in place to uphold ethical and professional business conduct. At the end of the course the participants should be able to:Understand the need for proactive fraud detectionAppreciate the ethical, legal & evidential issues in fraud offencesUnderstand fraud investigation methodologyApply the fraud detection techniques of GHOST ProtocolManage the investigation process according to best practices
To reduce the environmental impact and contribute to sustainability efforts, ISCA will contribute our part by eliminating the printing of course materials for selected courses with effect from 2023. Tips: To make your paperless learning experience more enjoyable, you may bring along a digital device such as a Windows based laptops or tablets to read your online materials during the class. QR code will be provided in the class for you to download the materials in PDF. Join us and be a Difference Maker!
This course was formerly known as MP117: Forensic Investigation and Fraud Detection TechniquesProgramme Objective Recent fraud case shows once again the vulnerability of the procurement process. Whistle blowing programmes will to some extend mitigate internal fraud but there is a need to strengthen the process by adopting effective fraud detection protocols in place to uphold ethical and professional business conduct. At the end of the course the participants should be able to:
Information per se will not be sufficient to identify and solve the problem. There is also a critical need to develop the information to establish sufficient grounds for reporting the case. This can only be achieved by conducting proper investigations including the identification of lapses in the system and or any negligence for rectification. FRAUD DETECTION FUNDAMENTALSFraud or Corruption prevention fundamentals: Key identifiers, patterns & profilesAnalytical Investigation Methods (AIMs) in establishing relationship links to identify unethical behavior misconduct, and potential conflicts of interestLegal & evidential issues relating to fraud offencesProfessional Ethics & due diligence – improving on the confidence in the whistleblowing systemScreening & monitoring system (SMS) 3P Fraud analysis method to identify potential fraudFraud detection techniques – GHOST ProtocolINVESTIGATION METHOLOGYMany internal investigations adopting conventional methods are ineffective against fraud. Technology advances allowed fraudsters to capitalize on providing all sorts of fake documents, making it necessary to understand the basics in document examination to identify suspect documents. The innovative concept of the 5 pistons of an investigation will be applied in the financial investigation context to specifically detect fraud as follows:Interview techniquesForensic / document examinationIntelligenceIndustry Knowledge &TechnologyINVESTIGATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMPreliminary assessment – objective analysis & inquiriesFollow-up investigations – gathering of evidence & analysisSupervision – monitoring the investigation & closureReview – identify lapses in processes & supervisionDocumentation – investigation records & report There is always a need for quality control in any product or service provided. This is the same for the internal investigation process. This module will focus on the documentation that is necessary for completing an investigation and ensuring proper investigations conducted as required by the Employment Act. Also included are the best practices (ensuring professionalism & fairness) in preparing your investigation report for submission to your superior, committee or for legal proceedings. Training MethodologyLecture style, with Practical Exercises/Case Studies Closing Date for Registration1 week before programme or until full enrolment
An Intermediate level programme intended for: Forensic Accountants Government Accountants; Investigators; Independent Auditors; Internal Auditors; Law Enforcement Officers; Recruitment Managers; Human Resource Managers Finance Managers Professionals who like to gain more insights to real-life Investigative work are welcome to attend.
Category 2 = 2.00 HoursOthers = 5.00 Hours
22 May 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
For Members: $ 406.57 For Non-Members: $ 485.05
25 Sep 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
For Members: $ 488.32 For Non-Members: $ 582.06
1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme) is an individual skills upgrading account for NTUC members. To find out more on the UTAP funding and support validity period please click here. Should you have queries on the funding scheme, you can email to UTAP@e2i.com.sg or call NTUC Membership Hotline at 6213-8008
Jeffery Ang and/or Asrin AbasJeffery Ang has been providing investigation courses to Organizations locally and globally for the past 10 years. He has extensive experience in training, conducting interviews and investigations. He started his training experience in Singapore Police Force Head Quarters developing and conducting in-service training for uniform officers for all Police Divisions.
Because of his vast experience he was selected to be the Training Officer for CID in April 1998. There he developed the Interview Techniques Course and became the pioneer instructor in the Course conducted by CID for all Police and CID Investigators. He also conducted the course for the Royal Brunei Police on special request by their Commissioner in May 1999 and was commended for conducting the course in a very professional manner. He played a major role in the setting up of the new School of Criminal Investigation for CID in 2001 and the development of the various Investigation courses until his retirement in Sep 2002. During that time he was presented with two Commendations and two Director CID Awards.
He was the Head of Loss Prevention for Sentosa Leisure Group from 2003 to 2007 overseeing the enforcement, security and investigation functions for Sentosa Island. Amongst his many achievements, is the development of investigation capabilities for his Dept and establishing the disciplinary and internal investigation framework solving many misconduct, internal theft and fraud cases. He left Sentosa in Sept 2007 to run his own consultancy firm providing training in conducting interview and investigations for local and international clients. He is the training provider for Civil Service College, Employment & Employability Institute, Institute for Internal Auditors, Center for Behavioral Science and Masterclass trainer for Certified System Investigators world-wide. He is a certified system investigator and practitioner trainer providing integrity interview for job applicants, dishonest staff interrogation and investigation services using the same techniques provided in his training. He also guarantees the result in his interview services.
Asrin Abas joined the Singapore Police Force in 1993 and started his investigation experience in Jurong Police Division where he investigated various divisional cases like unnatural deaths, thefts and other crime cases. In 2000 he was selected and seconded to Ministry of Home Affairs as an Intelligence Officer in Counter Terrorism where he groomed his skills in intelligence operations including the investigation into the clandestine network of terror group in Singapore that was linked to Al-Qaeda. He conducted the interviews and counselled one of the first two members of the terror group who had been released.
He received the Minister for Home Affairs Commendation for Operational Excellence in the Security Operations against the “Jemaah Islamiyah” and the Commissioner of Police Commendation for Outstanding Contributions, Devotion to Duty & Consistently Maintaining a High Standard of Performance as an Assistant Operations Officer in Jurong Police Division
60 Cecil StreetISCA HouseSingapore 049709
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17 Feb 2025 - 17 Feb 2025
18 Feb 2025 - 18 Feb 2025
19 Feb 2025 - 19 Feb 2025