Course Detail()

3.50 CPE Hours (Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, Category 4, Others)
Live Webinar

Programme Objective

This highly interactive course provides the tools and techniques you need to identify red flags and warning signs in a public sector organisation before the damage is irreversible.

You will learn the 6 categories of financial gimmicks and the fundamental tricks that public officers have used to mislead auditors, senior management and boards. You will also get an update on how some of these gimmicks are being uncovered in today's technologically savvy world.

You will gain first-hand knowledge and insights into:

  • Why Recent Ethical Compromises Occurred;
  • What are the Risk Factors to Look Out For; and
  • Top 10 Reasons Why Soft Controls Don’t Work. 

This course will introduce participants to ethics, personal and professional skills and establish a foundation for developing an independent mindset to compare and question different ethical perspectives. This will ensure that the Chartered Accountants have the minimum requisite knowledge in these areas, which will then be further developed and integrated into the real world of a professional accountant.

The Trainer will also share his analysis of the latest Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) Reports findings. The analysis will also cover the key issues and sub-issues in the reports along with their root causes. There are five realms that are noted to have recurrently contained gaps and lapses over this research period. 

The Trainer will share with you his real life experiences, easy-to-understand examples, ethical dilemmas faced by accountants and plenty of illustrations to help explain how past tricks and scams were uncovered.

By the end of this workshop, you will get to know what went wrong at Singapore Land Authority (SLA), National Parks Board, Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), National Kidney Foundation (NKF), and other notable examples.

Programme Outline

Module 1 – The Five Fundamental Principles We Learn

1.         The Five Fundamental Principles for Every Professional Accountant

2.         Legal and Ethical Expectations of a Chartered Accountant of Singapore

3.         Acting in the Public Interest

Module 2 – Learning Lessons from Past Failures in Public Sector

4.         Hard Truths – Analysing the most recent AGO Report Findings

5.         Where are the Hot Spots in Public Sector?

6.         Spotting the 5 Key Realms of Failures in Singapore Public Sector

7.         Uncovering the Top 3 Root Causes to Lapses in Singapore Public Sector

8.         It’s Story Time!

Practical Mini Case Studies:

  • “Singapore Land Authority (SLA) – How $11.8M was Stolen over 2 Years?”
  • “Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) – Taming a Casino Dragon”
  • “National Kidney Foundation (NKF) – Under the Golden Tap” 

Module 3 – Professional Ethics

9.         Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

10.       Threats to the Fundamental Principles

11.       Safeguards Against Threats to Fundamental Principles

12.       Ethical Conflict Resolution 

Module 4 – Personal Values and Concepts Integration 

13.       Critical Thinking – Where are Financial Gimmicks Likely to Exist?

14.       Recap with a Fun Quiz and Game Show – “Who Wants to be an Ethics Guru?”

Why Attend this Course? Why this One?

The answer is communication. This course will help you better understand the language of ethics.

The Trainer is a highly experienced practitioner and instructor and is well-regarded for his ability to translate complex and different ethical perspectives into plain language, and the use of illustrations, examples and real-life experiences to help develop/enhance your understanding of ethical issues.

The Trainer is able to draw on his full depth of knowledge about accounting, creativity, professional ethics and experience to develop compelling and enjoyable programmes.

Training Methodology
Lecture style, with Exercises/Case Studies

Closing Date for Registration
1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

This programme is intended for all Public Sector Accountants. Professional accountants from other sectors who would like to understand more about the professional conduct expected of a Chartered Accountant of Singapore, are welcome to attend.

Schedule & Fees



No funding Available!

Programme Facilitator(s)

Programme Objective

This highly interactive course provides the tools and techniques you need to identify red flags and warning signs in a public sector organisation before the damage is irreversible.

You will learn the 6 categories of financial gimmicks and the fundamental tricks that public officers have used to mislead auditors, senior management and boards. You will also get an update on how some of these gimmicks are being uncovered in today's technologically savvy world.

You will gain first-hand knowledge and insights into:

  • Why Recent Ethical Compromises Occurred;
  • What are the Risk Factors to Look Out For; and
  • Top 10 Reasons Why Soft Controls Don’t Work. 

This course will introduce participants to ethics, personal and professional skills and establish a foundation for developing an independent mindset to compare and question different ethical perspectives. This will ensure that the Chartered Accountants have the minimum requisite knowledge in these areas, which will then be further developed and integrated into the real world of a professional accountant.

The Trainer will also share his analysis of the latest Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) Reports findings. The analysis will also cover the key issues and sub-issues in the reports along with their root causes. There are five realms that are noted to have recurrently contained gaps and lapses over this research period. 

The Trainer will share with you his real life experiences, easy-to-understand examples, ethical dilemmas faced by accountants and plenty of illustrations to help explain how past tricks and scams were uncovered.

By the end of this workshop, you will get to know what went wrong at Singapore Land Authority (SLA), National Parks Board, Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), National Kidney Foundation (NKF), and other notable examples.

Programme Outline

Module 1 – The Five Fundamental Principles We Learn

1.         The Five Fundamental Principles for Every Professional Accountant

2.         Legal and Ethical Expectations of a Chartered Accountant of Singapore

3.         Acting in the Public Interest

Module 2 – Learning Lessons from Past Failures in Public Sector

4.         Hard Truths – Analysing the most recent AGO Report Findings

5.         Where are the Hot Spots in Public Sector?

6.         Spotting the 5 Key Realms of Failures in Singapore Public Sector

7.         Uncovering the Top 3 Root Causes to Lapses in Singapore Public Sector

8.         It’s Story Time!

Practical Mini Case Studies:

  • “Singapore Land Authority (SLA) – How $11.8M was Stolen over 2 Years?”
  • “Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) – Taming a Casino Dragon”
  • “National Kidney Foundation (NKF) – Under the Golden Tap” 

Module 3 – Professional Ethics

9.         Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

10.       Threats to the Fundamental Principles

11.       Safeguards Against Threats to Fundamental Principles

12.       Ethical Conflict Resolution 

Module 4 – Personal Values and Concepts Integration 

13.       Critical Thinking – Where are Financial Gimmicks Likely to Exist?

14.       Recap with a Fun Quiz and Game Show – “Who Wants to be an Ethics Guru?”

Why Attend this Course? Why this One?

The answer is communication. This course will help you better understand the language of ethics.

The Trainer is a highly experienced practitioner and instructor and is well-regarded for his ability to translate complex and different ethical perspectives into plain language, and the use of illustrations, examples and real-life experiences to help develop/enhance your understanding of ethical issues.

The Trainer is able to draw on his full depth of knowledge about accounting, creativity, professional ethics and experience to develop compelling and enjoyable programmes.

Training Methodology
Lecture style, with Exercises/Case Studies

Closing Date for Registration
1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

This programme is intended for all Public Sector Accountants. Professional accountants from other sectors who would like to understand more about the professional conduct expected of a Chartered Accountant of Singapore, are welcome to attend.

Programme Facilitator(s)

No course instances or course instance sessions available.