Course Detail(DGT041v : Understanding and managing emerging technologies (Live Webinar))

UTAP Funding

DGT041v : Understanding and managing emerging technologies (Live Webinar)

7.00 CPE Hours (Category 2Category 5)
Live Webinar

The course has been updated to include EP100 on 30 September 2024.
Programme Objective

As we move into a digital economy, enterprises are gradually undergoing digital transformation to compete and to stay relevant. While the introduction of these new technologies can bring great benefits, it also introduces risks and uncertainties.            
Managers today are required to participate in enterprise transformation projects or panels to evaluate the usefulness of these technologies.             
This course aims to introduce some of these common topics and provide the participants baseline knowledge to allow them to evaluate and in some cases, even implement these new technologies in their workplace.

In this course, participants will be able to:
  1. Gain an appreciation into how these data analytics, automation, blockchain and cloud storage works                      
  2. Describe the general benefits and limitations of these technologies                               
  3. Discuss the critical success factors required to implement these technologies successful in the organisation
  4. Identify the risks associated with these technologies and the potential mitigation controls
  5. Overview of ethical principles of EP100 and looking at it from the perspective of the emerging technologies discussed in the course

Programme Outline

This course focuses on building foundational knowledge so that each participant will gain an appreciation of the topic and the limitations of these new technological development.                
In each module, the participants will be exposed to useful concepts that will help them widen their horizon and understanding of the new digital economy and workplace. It will also enhance the effectiveness of communication and appreciation between the participants and the IT/analytics team when collaborating on digitisation projects.                    
The ABCD of Emerging Technology

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Concept of human-bot collaboration on top of Robotic Process Automation, Machine Learning
  2. Blockchain - Smart Contract and Initial Coin Offering                              
  3. Cloud Storage - public cloud and private cloud; platform/infrastructure as-a-service  
  4. Data – Data Analytics and Text Analytics
  5. Introduction of ethics in EP100 and ethical considerations for emerging technologies

Training Methodology

This course includes both group discussion and hands-on exercises. Participants are expected to participate in the group/course discussion and presentation.                                            
As this is an introductory course, foundational topics will be covered to ensure that all participants are able to understand the content covered.     

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

This course is specifically designed for all professionals from non-programming background. This course is suitable for participants who are thinking of adopting and implementing some of these emerging technologies. It is also suitable for participants who wish to get an introduction to emerging technologies but does not want to be burdened by the technicalities.

Competency Mapping

Category 2 = 1.00 Hours
Category 5 = 6.00 Hours

Schedule & Fees

Date & Time

19 Sep 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Fee (inclusive of GST)

SGD pricing -

For Members: $ 393.49
For Non-Members: $ 473.06

Programme Facilitator(s)

Willy Tai


Online Classroom in or outside of

Date & Time

21 Nov 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Fee (inclusive of GST)

SGD pricing -

For Members: $ 328.09
For Non-Members: $ 394.58

Programme Facilitator(s)

Willy Tai


Online Classroom in or outside of


The speaker was approachable, using simple and easily understandable language. This course helped people
like me, who knew minimum about technologies, to learn the basics concepts and made me curious to explore
more. More importantly, it makes me consider how this course can be beneficial for my company and how to
implement it

Past Participant

This programme has taught me know the importance of digitalisation and there will always be new technology
and solutions.

Past Participant

This programme has helped me to understand better the AI knowledge and possible to effect the working
culture & environment in the future

Past Participant


1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)

NTUC members enjoy 50% *unfunded course fee support for up to $250 each year when you sign up for courses supported under UTAP. NTUC members aged 40 and above can enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per individual each year, capped at 50% of unfunded course fees, for courses attended between 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2025.

*Unfunded course fee refers to the balance course fee payable after applicable government subsidies. This excludes material fees, registration fees, misc. fees etc.

This course is approved for UTAP support for intakes conducted between 08 February 2024 – 31 March 2025.

As UTAP is given on calendar year basis, and calculated based on year of training taken, it cannot be accumulated.

  • Maintained paid-up NTUC membership before course, throughout course duration and at the point of claim and;
  • Course by training provider must be supported under UTAP and training must commence within the supported period and;
  • Unfunded course fee must not be fully sponsored by company or other types of funding
  • Unfunded course fee must be S$20.00 and above, and;
  • Member must achieve a minimum of 75% attendance for each application and sat for all prescribed examination(s), if any and;
  • UTAP application must be made within 6 months after course ends.

For more information on UTAP Funding and to submit for UTAP claims, please visit Terms and conditions apply.

Programme Facilitator(s)

Willy Tai
CA (Singapore)

Willy Tai holds a Master in Computing from NUS and Bachelor of Accounting from SMU. Ever interested in change management and technology, he has worked in many roles across different capacities and industries. Most recently, he serves as a project manager in the Smart City industry, implementing Internet of Things. He was a chartered accountant and certified internal auditor; and outside of work, he serves as adjunct lecturer in NYP’s School of Information Technology.

The course has been updated to include EP100 on 30 September 2024.
Programme Objective

As we move into a digital economy, enterprises are gradually undergoing digital transformation to compete and to stay relevant. While the introduction of these new technologies can bring great benefits, it also introduces risks and uncertainties.            
Managers today are required to participate in enterprise transformation projects or panels to evaluate the usefulness of these technologies.             
This course aims to introduce some of these common topics and provide the participants baseline knowledge to allow them to evaluate and in some cases, even implement these new technologies in their workplace.

In this course, participants will be able to:
  1. Gain an appreciation into how these data analytics, automation, blockchain and cloud storage works                      
  2. Describe the general benefits and limitations of these technologies                               
  3. Discuss the critical success factors required to implement these technologies successful in the organisation
  4. Identify the risks associated with these technologies and the potential mitigation controls
  5. Overview of ethical principles of EP100 and looking at it from the perspective of the emerging technologies discussed in the course

Programme Outline

This course focuses on building foundational knowledge so that each participant will gain an appreciation of the topic and the limitations of these new technological development.                
In each module, the participants will be exposed to useful concepts that will help them widen their horizon and understanding of the new digital economy and workplace. It will also enhance the effectiveness of communication and appreciation between the participants and the IT/analytics team when collaborating on digitisation projects.                    
The ABCD of Emerging Technology

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Concept of human-bot collaboration on top of Robotic Process Automation, Machine Learning
  2. Blockchain - Smart Contract and Initial Coin Offering                              
  3. Cloud Storage - public cloud and private cloud; platform/infrastructure as-a-service  
  4. Data – Data Analytics and Text Analytics
  5. Introduction of ethics in EP100 and ethical considerations for emerging technologies

Training Methodology

This course includes both group discussion and hands-on exercises. Participants are expected to participate in the group/course discussion and presentation.                                            
As this is an introductory course, foundational topics will be covered to ensure that all participants are able to understand the content covered.     

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

This course is specifically designed for all professionals from non-programming background. This course is suitable for participants who are thinking of adopting and implementing some of these emerging technologies. It is also suitable for participants who wish to get an introduction to emerging technologies but does not want to be burdened by the technicalities.

Competency Mapping

Category 2 = 1.00 Hours
Category 5 = 6.00 Hours

Programme Facilitator(s)

Willy Tai
CA (Singapore)

Willy Tai holds a Master in Computing from NUS and Bachelor of Accounting from SMU. Ever interested in change management and technology, he has worked in many roles across different capacities and industries. Most recently, he serves as a project manager in the Smart City industry, implementing Internet of Things. He was a chartered accountant and certified internal auditor; and outside of work, he serves as adjunct lecturer in NYP’s School of Information Technology.

Upcoming Schedule

Date & Time

19 Sep 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Fee (inclusive of GST)

SGD pricing -

For Members: $ 393.49
For Non-Members: $ 473.06

Programme Facilitator(s)

Willy Tai


Online Classroom in or outside of