Course Detail(BF007i : Financial Statement Analysis)

UTAP Funding

BF007i : Financial Statement Analysis

1.00 CPE Hours (Others)

This is an e-learning programme and also a module from the ISCA Professional Business Accountant (PBA) Programme.
Upon successful registration and payment, you will be notified via email within 10-15 mins on your enrolment confirmation with user instructions to access this programme.
Please complete all topics and sub-topics within the E-Learning courseware.
(The programme and assessment is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.)

Programme Objective

The main objective of this module is to explain how we can use various tools to analyse the financial statements of a company. Also, more importantly, how can these tools be applied to infer the financial conditions of a company, using a case study.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Understand the basic purpose financial statement analysis
  • Perform horizontal analysis
  • Perform vertical analysis
  • Understand the four building blocks of ratio analysis
  • Infer the financial conditions of company by applying the various tools of analysis to a case study

Programme Outline

Basic purpose of financial statement analysis

  • Purpose and building blocks of financial statement analysis
  • Standards for comparisons
  • Tools of analysis

Horizontal analysis

  • Comparative financial statements
  • Computing dollar and percentage change
  • Case study application - preparing comparative statements of financial positions and income statements
  • Trend analysis

Vertical analysis

  • Common-size statements of financial position
  • Common-size income statements
  • Case study application - preparing common-size statements of financial positions and income statements
  • Common-size graphics

Ratio analysis

  • Four main building blocks of ratio analysis
  • Liquidity and efficiency
  • Solvency
  • Profitability (including Dupont Analysis)
  • Market Prospects
  • Case study application - inferring the financial conditions of a company
  • Red flags in financial statement analysis

Training Methodology

E-Learning (24/7) with video and MCQ Assessment

No cancellation or change in programme enrolment once the enrolment is successful.

Click here for ISCA E-Learning User Guide.

Intended For

Internal and external users of financial statement analysis, such as managers and accountants who require analysis in planning and controlling operations, as well as shareholders, creditors and customers who require analysis to understand the company’s financial health.

Competency Mapping

Others = 1.00 Hours

Schedule & Fees

Fee (inclusive of GST)

SGD pricing -

For Members: $ 65.40
For Non-Members: $ 87.20

Programme Facilitator(s)

Online Instruction


"Going through the Finance Statement Analysis e-learning module was a good refresher for me. I was especially interested in the ratio analysis section and liked that a case-study was used for me to practice the various ratios mentioned. The explanations and infographics used were clear and simple, which made it easy to remember the different ratios. Accountants can definitely take this e-learning module to remind themselves about the different techniques to analyse financial statements in order to give stakeholders more clarity about the financial health of the company. In addition to accountants, this module would be good for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to learn how to do a quick analysis of their company’s financial statements to detect problems early."

Julie Yeap, Specialist Adult Educator, ISCA PBA, CPA (US), ACTA, DACE


1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme) is an individual skills upgrading account for NTUC members.

To find out more on the UTAP funding and support validity period please click here.

Should you have queries on the funding scheme, you can email to or call NTUC Membership Hotline at 6213-8008

Programme Facilitator(s)

This is an e-learning course.

This is an e-learning programme and also a module from the ISCA Professional Business Accountant (PBA) Programme.
Upon successful registration and payment, you will be notified via email within 10-15 mins on your enrolment confirmation with user instructions to access this programme.
Please complete all topics and sub-topics within the E-Learning courseware.
(The programme and assessment is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.)

Programme Objective

The main objective of this module is to explain how we can use various tools to analyse the financial statements of a company. Also, more importantly, how can these tools be applied to infer the financial conditions of a company, using a case study.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Understand the basic purpose financial statement analysis
  • Perform horizontal analysis
  • Perform vertical analysis
  • Understand the four building blocks of ratio analysis
  • Infer the financial conditions of company by applying the various tools of analysis to a case study

Programme Outline

Basic purpose of financial statement analysis

  • Purpose and building blocks of financial statement analysis
  • Standards for comparisons
  • Tools of analysis

Horizontal analysis

  • Comparative financial statements
  • Computing dollar and percentage change
  • Case study application - preparing comparative statements of financial positions and income statements
  • Trend analysis

Vertical analysis

  • Common-size statements of financial position
  • Common-size income statements
  • Case study application - preparing common-size statements of financial positions and income statements
  • Common-size graphics

Ratio analysis

  • Four main building blocks of ratio analysis
  • Liquidity and efficiency
  • Solvency
  • Profitability (including Dupont Analysis)
  • Market Prospects
  • Case study application - inferring the financial conditions of a company
  • Red flags in financial statement analysis

Training Methodology

E-Learning (24/7) with video and MCQ Assessment

No cancellation or change in programme enrolment once the enrolment is successful.

Click here for ISCA E-Learning User Guide.

Intended For

Internal and external users of financial statement analysis, such as managers and accountants who require analysis in planning and controlling operations, as well as shareholders, creditors and customers who require analysis to understand the company’s financial health.

Competency Mapping

Others = 1.00 Hours

Programme Facilitator(s)

This is an e-learning course.

Upcoming Schedule

Fee (inclusive of GST)

SGD pricing -

For Members: $ 65.40
For Non-Members: $ 87.20

Programme Facilitator(s)

Online Instruction