Course Detail()

3.00 CPE Hours (Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, Category 4, Others)

This Nominating and Remuneration Committee Masterclass for Directors is part of the Board of Directors (BOD) Masterclass Programme, and DOES NOT contain the e-learning component of the Programme.

Important Note:

  1. This masterclass is one of the modules of the SGX prescribed Board of Directors (BOD) Masterclass Programme.
  2. Individuals who would like to fulfil the SGX mandatory training requirements for FIRST-TIME LISTED COMPANY DIRECTORS SHOULD register for the full programme at Board of Directors (BOD) Masterclass Programme.

Programme Outline



11.30 am to 12.30 pm

Registration and Networking Lunch

12.30 pm to 2.15 pm

Nominating Committee Governance: Considerations and Best Practices

  • Brief Overview of Rules Relating to the Nominating Committee
  • Board and Board Committee Composition
  • Nomination of Directors
  • Assessing Suitability of Directors
  • Assessing Independence of Directors
  • Cessation of Directors
  • Succession Planning
  • Board Assessment

Professor Mak Yuen Teen 

Professor (Practice) of Accounting at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore

2.15 pm to 2.45 pm

Tea Break and Networking

2.45 pm to 4.30 pm

Best Practices in Remuneration: Navigating Incentives, Performance Metrics, and  Director Compensation

  • Brief Overview of Rules Relating to the Remuneration Committee
  • Key Issues in Setting Remuneration
  • Issues Relating to Profit-Based Incentive Plans
  • Long-Term Incentive Plans
  • Performance Measures and Targets
  • Other Considerations in Executive Remuneration (including Risks)
  • Non-Executive Director Remuneration
  • Linking ESG to Executive Remuneration

Professor Mak Yuen Teen 

Professor (Practice) of Accounting at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore

4.30 pm to 5.00 pm

Questions and Answer

5.00 pm

End of session

Training Methodology

Classroom with case studies discussion

Closing Date for Registration
1 week before registration or full enrolment.

Intended For

Experienced directors who can keep abreast of trending need-to-know content concerning directors.

Schedule & Fees



No funding Available!

Programme Facilitator(s)

This Nominating and Remuneration Committee Masterclass for Directors is part of the Board of Directors (BOD) Masterclass Programme, and DOES NOT contain the e-learning component of the Programme.

Important Note:

  1. This masterclass is one of the modules of the SGX prescribed Board of Directors (BOD) Masterclass Programme.
  2. Individuals who would like to fulfil the SGX mandatory training requirements for FIRST-TIME LISTED COMPANY DIRECTORS SHOULD register for the full programme at Board of Directors (BOD) Masterclass Programme.

Programme Outline



11.30 am to 12.30 pm

Registration and Networking Lunch

12.30 pm to 2.15 pm

Nominating Committee Governance: Considerations and Best Practices

  • Brief Overview of Rules Relating to the Nominating Committee
  • Board and Board Committee Composition
  • Nomination of Directors
  • Assessing Suitability of Directors
  • Assessing Independence of Directors
  • Cessation of Directors
  • Succession Planning
  • Board Assessment

Professor Mak Yuen Teen 

Professor (Practice) of Accounting at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore

2.15 pm to 2.45 pm

Tea Break and Networking

2.45 pm to 4.30 pm

Best Practices in Remuneration: Navigating Incentives, Performance Metrics, and  Director Compensation

  • Brief Overview of Rules Relating to the Remuneration Committee
  • Key Issues in Setting Remuneration
  • Issues Relating to Profit-Based Incentive Plans
  • Long-Term Incentive Plans
  • Performance Measures and Targets
  • Other Considerations in Executive Remuneration (including Risks)
  • Non-Executive Director Remuneration
  • Linking ESG to Executive Remuneration

Professor Mak Yuen Teen 

Professor (Practice) of Accounting at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore

4.30 pm to 5.00 pm

Questions and Answer

5.00 pm

End of session

Training Methodology

Classroom with case studies discussion

Closing Date for Registration
1 week before registration or full enrolment.

Intended For

Experienced directors who can keep abreast of trending need-to-know content concerning directors.

Programme Facilitator(s)

No course instances or course instance sessions available.