Course Detail(2023WEB5 : ​Negotiating to Create Value_The Win-Win Template)

UTAP Funding

2023WEB5 : ​Negotiating to Create Value_The Win-Win Template NEW

2.00 CPE Hours (Others)
Live Webinar

Programme Outline

We all negotiate every day, whether we realize it or not. Yet few people are ever taught how to negotiate. And if we do learn how to negotiate on the job, we probably learn from someone who practices the traditional adversarial approach. This old school, win-lose approach is only suitable for one-off negotiations. 

Most of us are expected to negotiate effectively with key accounts, strategic partners, customers and vendors repeatedly over a long period of time. We also negotiate within our own organization, with bosses, colleagues, and subordinates. We need to achieve good results for ourselves while maintaining healthy, long-term relationships with our negotiating partners. In today’s world, a win-win approach is the only acceptable approach to negotiation. 

Understand the win-win approach to negotiating. Appreciate the power of anchor points when making offers and counteroffers. Use an eight-step template to prepare for your negotiations: 
  • Interests vs. positions 
  • Currencies 
  • Options 
  • Plan B 
  • Rationale 
  • Communication 
  • Relationship 
  • Implementation 

Please click here to view the entire Web-Bitez Series.

*Please access the platform at least 15 mins prior to the webinar. 

*The Institute reserves the right to amend the programme, month, and mode of delivery as deemed necessary without prior notice

  • The ISCA Web-Bitez Learning Series is offered by ISCA from March to November 2023 and sessions will be held as live webinar. A detailed set of instructions will be sent to you before the session.
  • The dates and contents published on the website are indicative and subject to changes without prior notice. Participants will only be notified of the changes to event dates.
  • The Institute reserves the right to amend the programme (including duration, date, and content) as deemed necessary without prior notice.
  • Playback option for the ISCA Web-Bitez Learning Series will be available 6 months from the session date or registration date (whichever later), for participants who are unable to attend the live session(s).
  • As the option for playback is available, any request for deferment, cancellation or refund of fees in full or partial is strictly not allowed.
  • All Birthday and Credit vouchers must be applied at the time of purchase. There shall be no further amendments to the invoice once registration is confirmed.
  • Click here to view CPE Terms and Conditions. ISCA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
Your enrolment would constitute that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions.

Training Methodology

Interactive facilitated presentation  

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before commencement or until full enrolment. 

Intended For

  • Finance Leaders 
  • Audit Practitioners 
  • Public Finance Leaders

Competency Mapping

Others = 2.00 Hours

Schedule & Fees

Registration is closed

Fee (inclusive of GST)

For Members: $ 87.20
For Non-Members: $ 109.00

Programme Facilitator(s)

David Goldwich



1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme) is an individual skills upgrading account for NTUC members.

To find out more on the UTAP funding and support validity period please click here.

Should you have queries on the funding scheme, you can email to or call NTUC Membership Hotline at 6213-8008

Programme Facilitator(s)

User-added image

David Goldwich teaches people how to become more influential, compelling, and irresistibly persuasive as they share their message with the world. He has MBA and JD degrees and practiced law in the United States for more than ten years, arguing before judges and political, government, and community bodies. He knows how to persuade the toughest audiences. 

David began lecturing and training in 1995. A provocative and engaging speaker, David uses humor and stories gathered from his own experience as a lawyer, businessman, and father to help people reach breakthrough changes in their personal and professional lives. He is the author of five books and numerous articles in his field of expertise. 

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, USA, David has been living in Singapore and working throughout Asia since 1999. He enjoys art, music, stock investing, the beach, red wine, chocolate, and anything Italian. 

David Goldwich is the author of Win-Win: An Everyday Guide to Negotiating. 

Programme Outline

We all negotiate every day, whether we realize it or not. Yet few people are ever taught how to negotiate. And if we do learn how to negotiate on the job, we probably learn from someone who practices the traditional adversarial approach. This old school, win-lose approach is only suitable for one-off negotiations. 

Most of us are expected to negotiate effectively with key accounts, strategic partners, customers and vendors repeatedly over a long period of time. We also negotiate within our own organization, with bosses, colleagues, and subordinates. We need to achieve good results for ourselves while maintaining healthy, long-term relationships with our negotiating partners. In today’s world, a win-win approach is the only acceptable approach to negotiation. 

Understand the win-win approach to negotiating. Appreciate the power of anchor points when making offers and counteroffers. Use an eight-step template to prepare for your negotiations: 
  • Interests vs. positions 
  • Currencies 
  • Options 
  • Plan B 
  • Rationale 
  • Communication 
  • Relationship 
  • Implementation 

Please click here to view the entire Web-Bitez Series.

*Please access the platform at least 15 mins prior to the webinar. 

*The Institute reserves the right to amend the programme, month, and mode of delivery as deemed necessary without prior notice

  • The ISCA Web-Bitez Learning Series is offered by ISCA from March to November 2023 and sessions will be held as live webinar. A detailed set of instructions will be sent to you before the session.
  • The dates and contents published on the website are indicative and subject to changes without prior notice. Participants will only be notified of the changes to event dates.
  • The Institute reserves the right to amend the programme (including duration, date, and content) as deemed necessary without prior notice.
  • Playback option for the ISCA Web-Bitez Learning Series will be available 6 months from the session date or registration date (whichever later), for participants who are unable to attend the live session(s).
  • As the option for playback is available, any request for deferment, cancellation or refund of fees in full or partial is strictly not allowed.
  • All Birthday and Credit vouchers must be applied at the time of purchase. There shall be no further amendments to the invoice once registration is confirmed.
  • Click here to view CPE Terms and Conditions. ISCA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
Your enrolment would constitute that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions.

Training Methodology

Interactive facilitated presentation  

Closing Date for Registration

1 week before commencement or until full enrolment. 

Intended For

  • Finance Leaders 
  • Audit Practitioners 
  • Public Finance Leaders

Competency Mapping

Others = 2.00 Hours

Programme Facilitator(s)

User-added image

David Goldwich teaches people how to become more influential, compelling, and irresistibly persuasive as they share their message with the world. He has MBA and JD degrees and practiced law in the United States for more than ten years, arguing before judges and political, government, and community bodies. He knows how to persuade the toughest audiences. 

David began lecturing and training in 1995. A provocative and engaging speaker, David uses humor and stories gathered from his own experience as a lawyer, businessman, and father to help people reach breakthrough changes in their personal and professional lives. He is the author of five books and numerous articles in his field of expertise. 

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, USA, David has been living in Singapore and working throughout Asia since 1999. He enjoys art, music, stock investing, the beach, red wine, chocolate, and anything Italian. 

David Goldwich is the author of Win-Win: An Everyday Guide to Negotiating. 

Upcoming Schedule

Registration is closed

Fee (inclusive of GST)

SGD pricing -

For Members: $ 87.20
For Non-Members: $ 109.00

Programme Facilitator(s)

David Goldwich